Sunday 28 February 2010

4. How did you use new Media Technologies in the construction and research/ Planning and evaluation stages?

Products I have used:

Garage Band: A Mac software, it a musical instrument simulation + recording system. I used this progressively throughout the creation of my teaser trailer in order to create a suitable backing track as well voiceovers and effects.

Live type: I used this Mac software to animate title screens within my trailer; this was used to give the effect of external distribution companies putting their logo within the text.

Final Cut Pro: Another Mac software, I used this software the most in order to arrange view, select, edit and compose my teaser trailer. By doing this I increased the overall outlook of my project. Ways I made this possible were by using the cut and 3 way colour correction tool to name but a few methods I used consistently throughout the teaser. The colour correction tool was used to make our shots appear darker and to give strong connotations of warped somewhat surreal environment.

Adobe Photoshop CS4: windows software I used to create my ancillary tasks.

Blogger: I used Blogger to publicly place all my information and planning regarding the Teaser trailer.

Camcorders: I used Sony VX Cameras to shoot and record all of my footage for the teaser trailer making what I believe to be good use of conventionally appropriate shots such as pans and close ups.

Still Image Cameras: I used these when location hunting for footage so I could use them in conjunction with my storyboard.

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